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Discovering the Nuances of Sanatana Dharma with Sri Aurobindo | HUA

SANATANA DHARMA'S RENAISSANCE IN THE LIGHT OF SRI AUROBINDO - PART 3 More than any other individual, Sri Aurobindo predicted that the renaissance of Sanatana Dharma was required for the sake of all humanity. This Sanatana Dharma has maintained Adhyatma as its primary foundation, insisting on Truth alone, seeking peace, harmony, beauty, perfection, purity, self-knowledge, oneness and union, light and delight, and rejecting no aspect of existence. This three-quarter course sequence attempts to revisit the concepts, essential teachings, Shastras, practices, past, present, and future of Sanatana Dharma through the lens of Sri Aurobindo. We will also look at the current status of Sanatana Dharma revival, modern day misunderstandings, misrepresentations, and problems, and review the insights of ancient seers and sages - all through the lens of Sri Aurobindo. Course Content: The Renaissance of Sanatana Dharma Sri Aurobindo believed that India needed to emerge in order to bring Sanatana Dharma to the rest of the world, to all of humanity. He stated that "... other religions predominate religions of faith and profession, but the Sanatana Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has to be lived rather than believed." This is the dharma that has been preserved in the isolation of this peninsula since ancient times for the salvation of humanity." The Dharma is universal in nature and encompasses all. The Dharma's ultimate goal is to prevail against deception and all that holds us back. It is the Dharma's goal to awaken the spirit in matter. It is the Dharma that accepts all forms of union with the Divine. Unfortunately, post-independence India went on a progress journey that exacerbated a slew of errors and misinterpretations of this everlasting Dharma, separating people from their cultural heritage. We are in the midst of a conflict that is not only baffling and perplexing, but also full of misunderstandings, blind prejudices, and passions. As a result, the average young Indian mind, whether born and raised in India or abroad, feels hampered in matters of Sanatana Dharma since it has not yet developed the conviction to live a life compatible with the vision of Sanatana Dharma. What will the future bring? What is the Sanatana Dharma's future? Perhaps no one has talked more eloquently on the subject than Sri Aurobindo, India's Renaissance Rishi. We see in Sri Aurobindo that renascent India is being called upon to develop integral consciousness capable of manifesting divine power and finding creative solutions in all realms of activity, scientific, philosophical, cultural, social, economic, political, and so on. On the 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's birth, we shall review his vision for the future of Bharat and Sanatana Dharma in this course. Part 1 of this course covered an overview of Sri Aurobindo's life and works, fundamentals of Sanatana Dharma, foundations of Indian culture, an overview of Sanatana Dharma sacred texts, the concept of Spirituality, Dharma, Purushartha, Brahmacharya, and the Sanatana Dharma message to humanity. All of this is explained in the context of Sri Aurobindo


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Added: 24-04-2023

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