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There was a lack of healing consistency throughout this expansion. In some circumstances, there were no win situations against bosses. There was elevated emphasis on cross healing with other healers on the identical target as an alternative of getting 1 or 2 healers on a dedicated tank. Recovery was the most difficult half given that each one of my greatest friends were buying their first houses or getting engaged and I was again residing with my mother, learning to stroll once more and having each day physiotherapy. Investigators allege that at the tip of the appointment, the chiropractor supplied the lady in her 50s a massage in one other part of the office. In Blackwing Lair, Razorgore concerned 2 healers on both end of the room (that's 4 used) and an extra four extra spread out at the assorted corners with extra healers available who would float around. A separate healing channel was a requirement to type out assignments. Is it possible to heal without using any addons of any kind?


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Tags: 1976

Added: 02-01-2023

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