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List of companies using Infor XA ERP

Infor XA is commercial software which is used to control the operational activities of the manufacturing companies. Infor XA offers solutions to enterprise software which are mainly provided for the IBM I Series platform. Most of the manufacturers need Infor XA platform as they are specifically designed to capture the advantages of a completely integrated and interconnected manufacturing processes working on the IBM platform. Our list of companies using Infor XA ERP. This business data connects you with customers in USA, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Singapore and other countries at the right time. The benefits of using Infor XA are that it expands global capabilities, minimizes the IT costs, has a modern user interface, and is proven globally. For Business Inquiries: Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (732) 708-4386


Main category: Business

Sub category: Digital marketing

Tags: infor xa erp

Added: 05-05-2021

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