
55sites in Regional History



US Visa Service from Dubai
Obtaining a US visa can be a complex process. Smash Tours makes it simpler for Dubai residents. Our expert team ensures a smooth experience from start to finish. Whether for tourism, business, or study, we handle all your visa needs efficiently. .....
Tutis Training: Your Gateway to Professional Development and Learning Excellence
Tutis Training brings education to your fingertips! Our platform offers a diverse range of courses, allowing you to empower yourself with knowledge from the comfort of your own space. Embrace flexible learning and embark on a transformative educational experience. .....
Embark on a Journey of Ayurvedic Wisdom and Well-being
Experience holistic wellness through the "Becoming an Ayurvedic Health Counselor" course from Hindu University of America. Merge ancient wisdom with modern science in this transformative journey to become a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Ayurveda, a timeless natural healing science, offers personalized well-being. This comprehensive course covers core Ayurvedic principles, including dosha understanding, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance. Expertly curated by Hindu University of America, it addresses mental and physical health. Learn to customize Ayurvedic solutions, provide health consultations, and recommend lifestyle adjustments. Elevate your holistic wellness career. Enroll now in "Becoming an Ayurvedic Health Counselor" at Hindu University of America. .....
A Journey Through Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram Part 2
The "Lalitha Sahasranamam" is a revered Hindu scripture found within the Brahmanda Purana. Comprising a thousand names, it venerates Goddess Lalitha Tripura Sundari, a manifestation of Devi, the Divine Mother Shakthi. This sacred hymn holds a central place in Devi worship. Part 2 of a 2-course series offered by the Hindu University of America aims to facilitate the integration of Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram chanting into daily life. The course delves into the profound significance of the thousand names, conveyed through 182 verses in the Stotra. By engaging with this course, students gain a deep understanding of the spiritual essence encapsulated within each name, enabling them to embody the practice of chanting and connecting with the divine presence of Goddess Lalitha. This transformative course empowers participants to enrich their spiritual journey by immersing themselves in the devotion and wisdom embedded in the Lalitha Sahasranamam. .....
Understanding the Impact of Colonialism: Postcolonial Hindu Studies
Colonialism is commonly associated with political dominance and economic exploitation. Colonialism, on the other hand, has involved the representation, analysis, classification, and ordering of the colonized via "intellectual" works such as translations, commentaries, travelogues, surveys, and so on, which were disseminated through the construction of academic institutions. This intervention progressively eroded the indigenous worldview and ways of positioning and situating oneself in the world. In a nutshell, colonialism entailed the conquering of culture through what is now known in academics as "epistemic violence." India, Hindus, and Hinduism were victims of epistemic violence, with reams written to separate them from their epistemological and cosmological foundations. The consequences have been twofold: 1) In today's politically correct mainstream academics, the same skewed and demonized language persists. 2) Postcolonial India has not systematically examined the pernicious and erroneous discourse directed at its culture and traditions in general, and Hinduism in particular. .....
Original Message of Bhagavad Gita through Sanskrit - Certificate Program at HUA
The Certificate Program in Bhagavad Gita through Sanskrit at The Hindu University of America is a four-year program that prepares students to achieve fluency in both the Sanskrit language and the Bhagavad Gita text. The program is suitable for students of all ages who have a passion for learning a new language and engaging with the Bhagavad Gita in its original form. The program's faculty will lead students verse by verse through the Bhagavad Gita, providing insight into the nuances of both the language and the text's meanings. Upon completion of the program, students will be proficient in conversational Sanskrit, enabling them to study other Shastras in the language independently. The program is designed for beginning students with no prior knowledge of Sanskrit, except for familiarity with the Devanagari script. .....
Advanced Yoga Teaching Certificate | HUA
Hindu University of America's Holistic Yoga Certification | Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program, is delivered in collaboration with Yoga Bharati (Vyasa NorCal). This Certificate Program is an authentic, holistic, and evidence-based Program taught by experienced experts in the field of yoga. Graduates of this program can receive a Yoga Alliance Certification (RYT-200) and progress to become registered yoga teachers. Yoga Certification This program provides an integrated approach to holistic and traditional yoga, combining eastern philosophies and techniques with western evidenced-based research, hence bringing out the best from the East and the West. Through this program, students will understand the philosophy behind traditional yoga from an Eastern perspective using classical texts such as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and more. In addition, students will integrate their philosophical understanding of yoga with practical applications. This program focuses primarily on teaching principles and practices of Ashtanga Yoga, or the eight-limbed approach to reaching the state of optimal health and contentment. Through the progression of the program, students will engage in courses that will teach them the basics of yoga to build a framework. They will then dive deeply into yoga practices as well as yoga philosophy in a group-based learning format. As students progress through the program, they will gain a deep understanding of not only how to practice yoga effectively and culture their minds, they will also learn teaching methodologies. This provides students the ability to teach yoga classes with confidence to individuals, groups, or in community settings. .....
Conversational Samskritam Mastery Micro-Certificate (CSMMC)
The Micro Certificate in Spoken Samskritam (MCSS) is a 4-quarter, 6 Credit-hour leisurely paced study of Samskritam as a spoken language. It teaches students who are familiar with the Samskritam (aka "Sanskrit") and DevanAgarii scripts, but with lack fluency in the conversational aspect and to reach a certain level of Conversational Proficiency through simple scenario and skits. At the Hindu University of America, Samskritam is approached as living language that informs and enlivens the culture of a civilization in its wisdom and outlook on the world as well as its spirituality and philosophy. And by taking Samskritam up as a living language the MCSS course is focused on various dimensions of the Sanskrit language such as writing, reading as well as listening, speaking and understanding. Being able to speak Samskritam will allow students to acquire the ability to communicate fluently and understand easily. The MCSS is a fundamental for students of all ages from High School to. .....
Gain Insights into Hindu Contributions to the World with CHCS Certificate
CERTIFICATE IN HINDU CIVILIZATIONAL STUDIES (CHCS) The 12-credit Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies (CHCS) examines Hindu civilization from a Hindu perspective. It helps students comprehend Hindu Dharma as one of the world's oldest, continuous, and still-thriving cultures. Through its culture and knowledge traditions, it reveals Dharma, or sustainability or natural order. Through rigorous study of Hindu Civilization, this program helps students discover, reconnect, and deeply establish Sanatana Dharma. Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies It comprises of Two parts: 1.Exploring Hinduism—a series of courses to understand Sanatana Dharma and Hindu thinking, the foundation of Hindu Civilization, through studying its history, aspects, and practices. Sanatana Dharma? What's Hinduism? Hinduism began when? Who's Hindu? Hindus' differences? Hinduism: relevant today? "Exploring Hinduism" classes answer such questions. 2. Hindu Contributions to the World - courses on how the Hindu civilisation and its knowledge systems influenced world advancement in Matter and Mind. This series of lectures analyzes the sciences, technologies, innovations, industry, prosperity, wealth, and intellectual leadership that made India a sought-after civilization across time. .....
Discovering the Nuances of Sanatana Dharma with Sri Aurobindo | HUA
SANATANA DHARMA'S RENAISSANCE IN THE LIGHT OF SRI AUROBINDO - PART 3 More than any other individual, Sri Aurobindo predicted that the renaissance of Sanatana Dharma was required for the sake of all humanity. This Sanatana Dharma has maintained Adhyatma as its primary foundation, insisting on Truth alone, seeking peace, harmony, beauty, perfection, purity, self-knowledge, oneness and union, light and delight, and rejecting no aspect of existence. This three-quarter course sequence attempts to revisit the concepts, essential teachings, Shastras, practices, past, present, and future of Sanatana Dharma through the lens of Sri Aurobindo. We will also look at the current status of Sanatana Dharma revival, modern day misunderstandings, misrepresentations, and problems, and review the insights of ancient seers and sages - all through the lens of Sri Aurobindo. Course Content: The Renaissance of Sanatana Dharma Sri Aurobindo believed that India needed to emerge in order to bring Sanatana Dharma to the rest of the world, to all of humanity. He stated that "... other religions predominate religions of faith and profession, but the Sanatana Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has to be lived rather than believed." This is the dharma that has been preserved in the isolation of this peninsula since ancient times for the salvation of humanity." The Dharma is universal in nature and encompasses all. The Dharma's ultimate goal is to prevail against deception and all that holds us back. It is the Dharma's goal to awaken the spirit in matter. It is the Dharma that accepts all forms of union with the Divine. Unfortunately, post-independence India went on a progress journey that exacerbated a slew of errors and misinterpretations of this everlasting Dharma, separating people from their cultural heritage. We are in the midst of a conflict that is not only baffling and perplexing, but also full of misunderstandings, blind prejudices, and passions. As a result, the average young Indian mind, whether born and raised in India or abroad, feels hampered in matters of Sanatana Dharma since it has not yet developed the conviction to live a life compatible with the vision of Sanatana Dharma. What will the future bring? What is the Sanatana Dharma's future? Perhaps no one has talked more eloquently on the subject than Sri Aurobindo, India's Renaissance Rishi. We see in Sri Aurobindo that renascent India is being called upon to develop integral consciousness capable of manifesting divine power and finding creative solutions in all realms of activity, scientific, philosophical, cultural, social, economic, political, and so on. On the 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's birth, we shall review his vision for the future of Bharat and Sanatana Dharma in this course. Part 1 of this course covered an overview of Sri Aurobindo's life and works, fundamentals of Sanatana Dharma, foundations of Indian culture, an overview of Sanatana Dharma sacred texts, the concept of Spirituality, Dharma, Purushartha, Brahmacharya, and the Sanatana Dharma message to humanity. All of this is explained in the context of Sri Aurobindo .....
Discovering Advaita Vedanta: Exploring Maya, Brahman, and Samsara
In this course, students will investigate some of the most fundamental misconceptions surrounding Advaita Vedanta. Should the universe be considered unreal? Is this a pessimistic worldview? Should the globe be abandoned? Is it exclusive to Sannyasis? Vedantasara of Sadananda, an authoritative Acharya of the Advaita tradition, will be studied in-depth to facilitate the formation of well-informed perspectives on Advaita Vedanta amongst the students. Students will gain new insights into Advaita Vedanta philosophy through this study. Vedantasara of Sadananda – Part 1 Course content: This is the first course in a two-part course sequence that systematically introduces Advaita Vedanta based on Sadananda's Vedantasara. Advaita Vedanta is the most dynamic and widespread of the Vaidika Darshanas. It provides answers to our most fundamental concerns regarding life and the human condition. Although numerous texts deal with the principles of Advaita Vedanta, Vedantasara is an excellent introduction. This Text is required at the Graduate level in Indian universities. What Sankhya Karika is to Sankhya philosophy, Vedantasara is to Advaita Vedanta. Vedantasara is composed of forty-two Gadyanshas and is written in Prose. Once the pupil acquires a solid foundation in Advaita Vedanta, other texts such as the Brahmasutra, Bhagavadgita, Upanishads, and other Darshanas become more accessible. The first course will cover approximately half of the text, while the second course will cover the remainder. No prior knowledge of Sanskrit or Vedanta philosophy is required to enroll in this course. The pupils will receive a PDF containing the primary text in both Devanagari and Roman script. In addition, PDFs of supplementary reading materials will be distributed. This course will also provide students with an introduction to the Sanskrit language. .....
Epistemology in Hindu Thought: Mimamsa Advanced Course on Bhatta School
Epistemology is an important subject of study across several śāstras in the Indic knowledge tradition, in both Vedic and non-Vedic streams. Each of these knowledge systems systematically develops a science of knowledge i.e. examining what is knowable, through human cognition, what is inferable through methods of reasoning, but not perceivable, and what is unknowable within a system of thought. While theories of hermeneutics emerge most significantly from the tradition of Pūrva-mīmāṁsā, some important theories pertaining to epistemology are also notable in this system. In discussing what is knowable within a thought system, knowledge itself is often discussed and defined in various Hindu knowledge systems, with great precision. Mimamsa Advanced Course Content: This course involves the study of the epistemology of the Bhatta school of Purva-mimamsa, propagated by Kumarilabhatta. The classification of cognitions and their implications along with how each type of cognition arises and how each type of cognition is distinct from the other is analyzed in a text called Manameyodaya, prescribed for this course. .....
Unlocking Spiritual Wellbeing: Advanced Yoga Practices from Vedic Science
APPLIED VEDIC SCIENCE – ADVANCED (YOGA) The wellbeing of the individual and society in the Vedic vision of the universe included both material and spiritual wellbeing. Systematic exploration of the state of holistic wellbeing is discussed widely in the Vedic knowledge systems. The system of Yoga proposes a practical model of developing such wellbeing through engagement in practices that enrich the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual states of an individual, presented systematically in the sūtras (aphorisms) of Patañjali. This means of progressing in this state of holistic wellbeing is a seminal contribution of this Vedic system to humanity. This course is the second of a two-part course series on the system of Yoga. Prerequisites: Completion of the Applied Vedic Science – Basic Yoga 1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit 2) Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit through MIT-SVS 4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course Description Applied Vedic Science – Advanced Yoga Course Content: This course introduces the portion of the Yogasutras that defines and discusses the systematic means – sadhana – of attaining the most exalted spiritual state and substantiates the process with reasons where necessary. In this course students will be able to: Comprehend the means of attaining an exalted state of spirituality along with the systematic technical definitions of such means Logically understand the process presented in the Yogasutras .....
Learn Hindi Language and Script Online: CPSH Beginner Phase | HUA
CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN SUDDH HINDI – BEGINNER PHASE Description Certificate Program in Shuddh Hindi (CPSH)—Beginner Phase is a set of 4 courses for people of all ages, starting in the 9th grade. It is the first of three steps that make up the CPSH as a whole: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. There are no requirements to take part in this program. The course is taught in English and is easy for people all over the world to take. It is a 4–Quarter, 44–Week detailed study that helps students who have never studied Hindi or devanAgari before get to a level of comfort with the Hindi language that will make it easy for them to move on to higher learning. The Beginner Phase of CPSH is for high school students and adults who want to learn a new language and want to get involved with the texts and literature of pure Hindi and its many knowledge systems that are based on it. It is taught by dedicated HUA Faculty members through an online platform that is easy to use and uses live virtual classrooms as a learning model. .....
Unveil the World of Sanskrit Proverbs and Stories | HUA
This course is a part of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency-Beginner Phase. It is structured for a 10-week quarter with 1.5 hours per week, and an exam in the 11th week. The course is based on the "SUPADA" book published by SB-USA, along with other relevant course material. The curriculum and textbooks by Samskrita Bharati USA are used to provide an innovative and comprehensive learning experience for beginners. Learning Objectives: Thorough study of Purusha, vacana, and linga In-depth study of combined letters (samyukta-akSharANi) Engage in simple reading and conversation Learn to combine words and phrases for short stories Course Contents: Simple sentences, narratives, and conversations More subhAShitAni (wise sayings) The three different lingas and purushas (genders) Simple songs The three digits (singular, dual, and plural) .....
Intermediate Sanskrit Proficiency Program by Samskrita Bharati USA
It is the foundation of 4 courses for students of all ages, post high school (Grade 12 or GED). It is the second of three successive phases – Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, which together comprise the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency. It assumes completion of the Beginner Phase of Sanskrit proficiency program. The medium of instruction is English, and the course is easily accessible for a global audience. It is a 4 – Quarter, 44 – week detailed study that prepares students with prior Sanskrit Knowledge to be capable of practicing reading, writing, and composing simple passages as well as engaging in simple conversations that will enable them to enter the higher-level courses with ease. The Intermediate Level CPSP is aimed at high school students and adults with a passion to learn a new language in depth and try to apply that when studying, the texts and literature of Hinduism and its numerous derivative knowledge systems. It is taught by dedicated HUA Faculty members, via a user-friendly Online Platform, featuring a learning model that uses live virtual classrooms. .....
History of Traditional Indian Music with a Focus on Shastriya Sangeet | HUA
History of Shastriya Sangeet: A Journey Through Traditional Indian Music This course provides a comprehensive study of the history and development of traditional Hindu music, with a particular focus on Karnatic music. The course covers the evolution of Indian music from the ancient Sama Vedic chants to the modern-day practices of the diaspora. The course also examines the impact of Islamic, Persian, and Arab traditions on Indian music. The course comprises lectures, readings, discussions, and guided listening experiences. Learning Goals: Familiarity with the significant figures and their works in traditional Indian music, such as Bharata's Natya Sastra, Illango Adigal's Silappathikaram, Sarangdev's Sangita Ratnakara, Venkatamakhi's Chaturdandi Prakasika, Subbarama Dikshitar's Sangita Sampradaya Pradarsini, and Pandit Bhatkhande's work. Understanding of the contributions of traditional Indian music and Hindu music to the study and perception of Indian music in the West. Knowledge of the role of the Bhakti movement and the Hindu saints of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Bengal in Indian art music. Awareness of the impact of Vaggeyakaras and the sacred geography of India on Art music. Understanding of how Islamic and Persian traditions have influenced Indian music. Knowledge of the significance of the Devadasi tradition in Indian art. Understanding of the contemporary challenges faced by Indian music. Course Structure: Weekly one-hour sessions with an additional 30 minutes of discussion time. Lectures, readings, discussions, and guided listening experiences. Two short essays to be written during the course to demonstrate learning. .....
Nyāya and Vaisesika: Two Ways of Classifying the World | HUA
The Nyāya and Vaisesika ontologies are two ways of classifying things in the world that came from Vedic thought. These systems made logic and reasoning more systematic and had a big impact on the use of logic and reason in Hindu knowledge systems. The Navya-nyāya system eventually merged with the Vaisesika system. To take the Nyāya Vaisesika Basic Course, you need to be a currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate student at MIT-SVS and have completed the previous MA Sanskrit course. The course is conducted in Sanskrit. The course covers the evolutionary stages of the Nyāya system from its ancient to recent form, incorporating the Vaisesika ontology. Students will learn about the use of logic and reason in various technical Indic knowledge systems, the cognition-centric approach emphasized in Indic knowledge systems, and how to apply the classification schema of the Nyāya system to other Vedic and Indic knowledge systems. .....
Beauty and Complexity of Sanskrit Literature: Sahitya-Padya Course
The world of Sanskrit literature is vast and rich, with works that have stood the test of time and continue to inspire generations. One of the most important forms of Sanskrit literature is Sahitya-Padya, which is mostly made up of metrical verses instead of prose. This classical form of literature has a well-established and standardised system that teaches about Dharma and how to feel about it. For those interested in delving deeper into the world of Sanskrit literature, enrolling in the Sahitya-Padya course is a must. Prerequisites: The Sahitya-Padya course is designed for individuals who are currently enrolled in a master's programme in Sanskrit and have completed the last MA course in Sanskrit. Additionally, knowledge of Sanskrit is required as it is the language of instruction. Acceptance into MIT-program SVS's master's in Sanskrit is also required to enroll in this course. .....
Enhance Your Conversational Skills in Advanced-level Samskritam | HUA
Are you looking to take your proficiency in spoken Samskritam to the next level? Then, the Proficiency in Spoken Samskritam – Part 2 course is just what you need! This is the final course in the Micro-Certificate in Spoken Samskritam program, designed to enhance your knowledge of advanced-level Samskritam conversations, sanskrit alphabet, and sanskrit pronunciation. In this course, you will learn to say words the right way, build a strong vocabulary, and use nouns, pronouns, verbs, and etiquette words to have more complex conversations. You will be provided with Lessons 6 through 15 in the book sambhAShaNa-sopAnam, which will guide you towards a better understanding of Samskritam language and its real-life application. The goal of this course is to help you achieve a higher level of proficiency in spoken Samskritam. You will learn how to listen to high-level music Samskritam conversations and understand what is being said without any help in English. With the help of case endings, tenses, and suffixes, you will also build a more advanced vocabulary and have conversations at a higher level. Additionally, you will put together a skit from scratch as a group, further enhancing your practical skills. .....
Beginner Course in Hindi Language: Writing, Sounds and Vocabulary
The course aims to help you build a vocabulary of at least 200 words, including nouns, pronouns, and verbs, and enable you to make simple sentences in all three persons. The course contents include vowels ("svar") and consonants ("vyanjan"), conjoint letters ("bArah khaDii"), compound consonants ("saMyuktarak"), basic words in Hindi, easy phrases with two or three words, and the use of question marks. By the end of this course, you will be able to write and speak in Hindi language proficiently and communicate effectively with Hindi-speaking people. .....
Beginner Sanskrit Proficiency: Words and Vocabulary | HUA
The Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency - Beginner Phase offers this course, which is highly recommended to be taken as part of the four-quarter program. The course covers vowels and consonants, songs, numbers, two- and three-letter combinations, and nouns, pronouns, and verbs to help you expand your vocabulary. Daily exercises in reading and reciting shlokas (dinacharyA) are also included. The course is divided into one quarter, spanning 10 weeks with 1.5 hours of weekly class time. The 11th week concludes with a test. The course uses the curriculum and textbooks of Samskrita Bharati USA ( and is based on the "SAARINEE" books published by SB-USA. .....
In-Depth Study of Sanskrit Language - Tenses, Moods & Cases
Sanskrit is considered to be one of the oldest and most influential languages in the world. It is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and has been used for philosophical, religious, and scientific purposes for centuries. The Sanskrit language is known for its complex grammar, which includes tenses, moods, and cases. The Advanced Sanskrit Language – Tenses, Moods, & Cases course is designed to help students navigate the complex grammatical rules of Sanskrit and improve their proficiency in the language. The course content for Advanced Sanskrit Language – Tenses, Moods, & Cases includes the following topics: Imperative Mood: The imperative mood is used to express a command or request. In this course, students will learn how to use the imperative mood in Sanskrit language. 2nd vibhakti: The 2nd vibhakti refers to the accusative case, which is used to indicate the direct object of a sentence. Students will learn how to use the 2nd vibhakti in Sanskrit language. .....
Exploring the Atharva Veda: Contents and Significance
The Atharva Veda is an important text that forms the basis of Hindu life and culture. It is divided into three sections: Saṁhitā, which contains verses that praise Vedic devatas or gods, Brāhmaṇa, which focuses on ritual practices or liturgy, and Upanishads, which provides spiritual and philosophical expositions. Unlike the other Vedas, it does not have an Āraṇyaka section. The mantras in the Atharva Veda cover a wide range of topics, including governance, business, and health. In this course, students will gain an understanding of the Atharva Veda and its contents. The class will cover examples from the Samhita, Brahmana, and Upanisad sections to show the differences between them. Students will also learn about the Vedic view of the world and the differences between Vedic and classical Sanskrit language. .....
Unlocking the Power of Yoga: A Guide to the Yoga Sutras | HUA
This course titled "The Yoga of the Yoga Sutras" is aimed at introducing students to the teachings of yoga as outlined by Maharishi Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are a collection of brief aphorisms that codify the fundamental principles of yoga practice and philosophy. The Yoga Sutras cover various aspects of yoga activities including asanas, pranayama, dhyana, and other yoga practices. Ashtanga Yoga, an eight-part practice that emphasizes a holistic approach to yoga, is one of the core tenets of the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali's writings provide instructions for calming an anxious mind and a thorough breakdown of the workings of the mind. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have emerged as the definitive guide on yoga in recent decades. Everything we do on the yoga mat has its origins in Patanjali's writings, and adhering to the guidelines outlined in the Yoga Sutras can greatly improve one's yoga practice. The Yoga Sutras also hold knowledge that is relevant off the mat as well, such as how to effectively lead in society, cultivate higher values and virtues, and deal with the impulsive inclinations of the mind. .....
Learn Sanskrit with Samskrita Bharati USA
This course is designed to introduce students to the Devanagari script and the concept of samyukta-akSharANi, or combined letters, in Sanskrit. The course will run for one quarter, consisting of 10 weeks with 1.5 hours of instruction per week, and will culminate in an exam during the 11th week. The course is structured using the curriculum and textbooks developed by Samskrita Bharati USA ( and is based on the SB-USA-published book, "PRAPADYA." The curriculum is augmented with other appropriate course content. Students will learn the basics of Devanagari script through a series of exercises and activities that are designed to be easy to follow and understand. They will also learn about the different types of combined letters and how they can be used to create new words and phrases. .....
Using the Mahabharata as a Mirror to Understand Your Mind | HUA
The Yoga of Mahabharata Course is a transformative experience that utilizes the ancient epic Mahabharata as a tool for self-reflection and introspection. This epic has been a part of people's lives for centuries and is considered the 5th Veda. Its vast repository of human contexts and archetypal characters provides us with a unique opportunity to explore our inner worlds and gain a deep comprehension of our psyche and its patterns. The course is designed to awaken the archetypal characters from the Mahabharata in one's own life through dialogue and reflective activities. Through an experiential engagement with the Mahabharata, one can develop greater insights into their own psyche and patterns of the mind. The course aims to offer a holistic experience of yoga beyond just postures (asanas) or breathing techniques (pranayama) and evoke healing processes within oneself. .....
Best Obeah Man in Anguilla | Voodoo Expert in Anguilla
Best Obeah Man in Anguilla offers you 100% guaranteed effects whilst solving your problems.Voodoo Expert in Anguilla is recognized as Voodoo Spells Specialist .....
Discovering Bhagavad Gita Through Sanskrit | HUA
The Certificate Program in Bhagavad Gita Through Sanskrit (BGTS) – Beginner Phase is a comprehensive course designed for students aged 9th Grade and above. It is the first phase of a three-part program that comprises the BGTS. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Sanskrit but requires students to know the devanAgari script. The program consists of four quarters, each of 1.5 credit hours, totaling 60 hours of instruction and 120 hours of self-study. The BGTS – Beginner Phase is aimed at high school students and adults who are interested in studying the sacred Hindu text Bhagavad Gita through the Sanskrit language. The course is taught in English and is easily accessible to a global audience. The program is delivered by dedicated HUA Faculty members via a user-friendly online platform, featuring a learning model that uses live virtual classrooms. .....
Certificate program in Sanskrit Studies
Certificate Program in Sanskrit Studies - Advanced Phase This program is composed of 8 classes for students of all agesand ages. They are all post the high school level (Grade 12 or GED). This is the third of three successive phases - Intermediate, Beginner and Advanced. Together, they form the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Studies. It requires completion of the Beginner as well as the Intermediate Phases of Sanskrit Studies Program. (Total 8.4 quarters) As the students grow in their ability and understanding, the teaching language is gradually shifted to Sanskrit in a manner that is comfortable and easy. It is an 8 - Quarter, 88 - week study that prepares students with prior Sanskrit Knowledge to be capable of learning to read, write and writing simple texts and engaging in conversations that allow them to take on advanced courses easily. The Intermediate Level CPSP is designed for adults and high school students with a passion to learn the language of their choice in depth and apply to study the books and texts of Hinduism and its many derived knowledge systems. The course is taught by committed HUA Faculty members, via an accessible online Platform which includes a teaching method that utilizes real-time virtual classes. .....
Black Magic Specialist in Anguilla | Black Magic Astrologer
Black Magic Specialist astrologer in Anguilla will assist to restore misplaced happiness in life known as Black Magic Expert.Master help in Black Magic Removal .....
First Step in Certificate Program: Bhagavad Gita & Samskritam
The Certificate Program in Bhagavad Gita via Sanskrit is designed to offer college students with a complete and in-depth understanding of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the maximum respected texts in Sanatana Dharma, thru the lens of Sanskrit, the classical language of India. The program consists of sixteen courses, with this path being the primary inside the series, and is supposed for college kids who are interested by gaining knowledge of the basics of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary whilst concurrently exploring the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. .....
Discovering the Roots of Hinduism: An Exploration of Sanatana Dharma
ORIENTATION TO HINDU STUDIES COURSE This Hindu Studies course offered at the Hindu University of America is a great opportunity for students to gain an in-depth understanding of Sanatana Dharma and the diverse traditions and practices within Hinduism. Sanatana Dharma is an old and ageless system of Hindu philosophy and religion that serves as the core of the Hindu University of America's Hindu Studies programme. The course will cover fundamental concepts of Hinduism as expressed in ancient texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Itihaasa, Bhagavad-Gita, and Puranas. It will also highlight the difference between Hindu beliefs and Western ideologies and the impact of colonialism on Hinduism. .....
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Hire High Quality profile hyderabad Escorts Service The very best ladies in the whole of the City that’s what you think of when you see the words “escort” on site. .....
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All you have to do is get in touch with the nearest Escort Service and they will guide you on how you can joy the night with the beautiful Puen Escorts girl. .....
The Texts and Traditions area (called Shastra and Sampradaya in Sanskrit) is a collection of courses that take the student at HUA into a much deeper exploration of individual knowledge systems rooted in and emerging from Hindu thought. Hindu knowledge traditions refer to the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities that have evolved from experience gained over centuries and adapted to local culture and environment, and passed down both orally and through formal textual learning from generation to generation, across very long periods of time. These courses, including courses in Vedānta, Yoga, Áyurveda, Jyotiṣa, Vāstu and Tantra, allow students to develop deep specialization in their areas of interest. .....
This field enriches the discipline of Conflict and Peace Studies by providing a Hindu perspective. By becoming more inclusive and pluralistic, conflicts at different levels can be approached more creatively. There are few contemporary studies on the Hindu perspective on conflict and peace. .....
Read Holy Quran Online | Quran Translation is a social network focused around various Islamic content, including tafsir, hadith, Muslim history, Quran translations, Quran recitations, Islamic references and provides tools for studying Islam and memorizing the Quran. Explore the new unique and institutive way to discuss and share Islamic knowledge! .....
Solicitation Of A Minor VA
Contesting such cases may not be easy for the debtors on a personal level since every detail concerning their finances is out in the open in court. .....
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Vashikaran for love back is performed by using various spells and mythical powers by our love astrology specialist. They with there powers with the help of elements in our world tend to improve the relationship between you and your partner and remove the problems or forces that are preventing you two to be in relation. One can never underestimate the power of astrology helping you to win over your problems. At Shiv Shakti Astro Point we have helped many clients with their love problems through vashikaran. It can take hours or even days to give result for a love problem through vashikaran but it all depends on how fast you want the results and how intense the problem is. But in our work you need not worry as we provide guaranteed work and also there is 100% transparency in our work so you can see what we are doing in your work. You can see live video and photo of your work being done as we support client satisfaction. .....
CISO Email List
A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)) is the senior-level executive within a company, responsible for establishing and maintaining the enterprise strategy, vision, information-related compliance and program to ensure information assets and technologies are adequately protected. CISO's influence reaches the whole organization. Responsibilities include: Computer Security Incident Response Team, Computer Emergency Response Team, Identity and access management, Information security and information assurance, Information risk management, Cybersecurity, IT investigations, digital forensics, eDiscovery, Information Security Operations Center ISOC, Security Architecture and other systems. If you want to network with the technology people who have the authority and power to actually make important decisions, then Chief Information Security Officer Email List is for you. With our customized Chief Information Security Officer Email List, increase in your results through multi-channel b2b marketing campaigns and send your b2b marketing message to top decision makers who have authority to buy your product and services. .....
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My Pizza Heaven is the best pizza place in New Jersey. We are one of the most famous restaurants in New Jersey. We provide a one-stop solution for your clients. We also provide delivery services at your doorsteps. Call Now. .....
EVERY ASPECT OF ROOTS COFFEE & CO. was designed with the customer experience in mind. From the chic, industrial interior, to the delicious menu crafted from flavors around the world, Roots Coffee transports its customers and makes them feel completely at home and welcomed all at once.  .....
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The Best Driving Route Planners to Help You Create the Quickest Routes
While you can schedule your appointments, organize leads you want to follow-up with, or what calls to make between meetings, there are many things you can’t anticipate such as traffic jams and appointment cancellations. Driving directions route planners are not one-size-fits-all, so the right planner for you will depend on a number of factors, such as the size of your business, your budget, your business goals, and so on. .....
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